I did not take over 200 pictures at the Bleasdale Clan Christmas party, so many that my family members begged me to PUT THAT CAMERA DOWN! and forgot the most important one — the one of Don and Landon and me in front of Lisa’s huge, beautiful tree.
We have a picture of that every year, and I can’t believe I forgot to pester someone to take it for me this year. We were about 20 people again, and you can see how much fun we had here:
Singing “The 12 Days of Christmas” like we do every year before the big show where everyone of the over 20 family members performs something. I got away with being the last one — “12 Drummers Drumming” and only having to sing once :)
I did not get away with just being the moral support for Landon’s performace of “Kingle Bells.” Actually, he started out so quietly, his cousin James came over and helped amplify his performance. It was too cute and I was very proud of my little singer.
After that it was his daddy’s turn to sing a beautiful song, accompanied by Steve’s guitar and voice.
Can you tell we had fun?
I did not make Landon go to school today even though he protested loudly and I had to fight him to get him into the car seat.
I was up until 3 in the morning again and still have SOO much work to do (this post, finishing a long editing project, writing a paid article, product reviews — oh, and sending off a few Christmas cards that now will be Happy New Year cards!), I needed him to go to school.
He is not sick, so off he went, a ball of snot and tears. Sorry, love — I know you’ll forget about mean mommy the second you start playing with your friends.