Do you know that sickening feeling that overcomes you when you find out you overlooked something major, something that is really important, like finding out that your English final is a week earlier than you thought and you know there is no way you can make up for lost time?
Well, tonight I was reminded of that feeling and my heart sank when I figured out that my blog feed wasn’t working — and hadn’t for days! After an hour of futzing around, I finally figured out that I had password protected it and that no one could access it! I am so sorry about that.
I have remedied the problem (at least I think I have!), and I hope that all of you who previously subscribed will do so again by clicking on the RSS buttons above. I had a nice number of subscribers, please show me that you are still out there by signing up again! And if you hadn’t signed up, what are you waiting for? :)
If you signed up for updates a while ago and found that you didn’t receive them any longer, please read here why I had to change my feed address. You are also encouraged to sign up again with the up-to-date feed.