This Green Your Home basket full of eco-friendly products is a wonderful gift all year, but especially for spring cleaning!
Green Your Home Gift Basket
You know me, it’s a green day in our home every day. I’m passionate about recycling, reusing, green cleaning, and repurposing.
I’m a little obsessed about recycling, actually.
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Here is an example from today: I replaced our shower curtain liner. It’s a non-toxic one, naturally, not one of those stinky ones that outgas all kinds if fumes. You want to look for PEVA shower curtain liners.
Instead of throwing out the old shower curtain liner, I’ll reuse it to protect our floors during my painting projects, like I did for this project when I repainted our cabinet.
And I went as far as cutting out the three magnets on the bottom of the curtain so I can reuse them to make DIY magnets.
Living a greener life is easy, but some people are still intimidated and don’t know where to start. Don’t worry, making small changes is so easy!
DIY Green Cleaners Recipes Video:
A friend of ours just moved into a new house and I wanted to put together a gift baskets for her new house.
Instead, I decided to make her a Green Your Home gift basket as a homewarming gift.
She knows how passionate I am about using non-toxic products in our home and eating organic food, and she often asks me for product suggestions and how to reduce chemicals in her home.
I’m making it easy for her: I filled a whole gift basket with my favorite non-toxic, eco-friendly products so she can green her home.
I included Tom’s of Main toothpaste to the gift baskets — one for my friend and her husband, and the Silly Strawberry one for her two boys.
Their natural personal care and oral care products are made with no artificial colors, flavors, fragrances, or preservatives.
Want to help someone in your life to get away from harsh, unhealthy products?
Make a Green Your Home gift basket!
Suggestions for items in the “Green Your Home” Gift Basket:
- non-toxic, natural deodorant (without aluminum!)
- non-toxic cleaning products like Mrs. Meyers (pick geranium!) or Method cleaner (pink grapefruit is divine!)
- organic sunscreen (my every-day sunscreen is Key’s Solar RX)
- cute tea towel (these three with dogs are adorable!)
- pretty non-toxic soy candle
- optional: mason jar with flowers
- pretty notebook
- basket (here is a cute set 5 different ones), very large glass jar, or other container
I ended up adding a vintage booklet about the many uses of vinegar, including for cleaning projects.
You could also include a booklet about natural cleaning recipes or a book like this one:
You can also find many handy cleaning and green living printables on Pinterest.
People back in the day knew how to clean their whole house with just water, vinegar, and baking soda!
With so many toxic things in our environment, people are going back to what has worked for hundreds of years and was non-toxic from the beginning: vinegar!
And I also added one of my handmade soy wax candles in a teacup. Many commercial candles are made with unhealthy wax, but I only use the best, non-toxic soy wax.
What does your family do to celebrate Earth Month? Who do you want to surprise with a “Green Your Home” gift basket?
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