Using the EkoBrew Filter in your Keurig machine will save you a ton of money, you can use any coffee you prefer, and you will save the environment from hundreds of K-Cups!
It’s 100% BPA free and an economical and eco-friendly alternative to K-Cup packs for millions of Keurig coffee machine owners.
What’s your morning routine?
This is how I start my day: with a cup of coffee. I usually brew my first cup while I also make breakfast for my son.
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I have a Keurig® machine, and the one thing that saves me from spending a fortune on K-Cup® coffee pods is my EkoBrew filter I’ve been using since I got my Keurig.
Today, I actually got to sit down with a decor magazine I brought back from our trip to Germany after I dropped off Landon at summer camp. What a treat!
After the first cup, I usually start to work, answer emails, make a second cup, work some more, and make another cup before I pick up Landon from camp or school.
I brew about five cups of coffee every day but only drink half because the coffee is cold before I can look up from my computer.
I’m lucky that I can work from home as a blogger, but that also means crazy work hours, and I usually work again after I get Landon to bed, often until 2 am (I know, I’m trying to break that bad habit.)
Caffeine doesn’t affect me much, so I make the last cup of coffee around midnight. I always joke that getting through college would’ve been so much easier if coffee would keep me awake.
The EkoBrew Filter saves you money, lets you choose your own coffee, and — best of all — lets you make a huge impact on being environmentally friendly.
The extra costs of K-Cup® aside, being environmentally friendly is my first priority: I couldn’t stomach the idea of adding hundreds of K-Cup pods to our landfills once I got the Keurig machine.
I alone would be adding 140 plastic cups and aluminum tops to landfills in just one month!
Filling your own favorite coffee in the EkoBrew saves the pod packaging waste and the packaging the K-Cup pods come in.
Plus, K-Cup® packs are expensive. You save up to 70% on your coffee costs using the filter.
A $10 pound of coffee yields servings costing 20 cents each, compared to 70 cents or more for each K-Cup. That means savings of around $350 a year!
More info:
- compatible with Keurig, Mr. Coffee, Cuisinart and Breville machines
- all filters are Made in USA
- not compatible with Keurig B30, K130/B130, K155/B155, K145, K3000/B3000, Mr. Coffee® BVMC-KG5 or Keurig Vue®