Or: Stuck in an Airport for 16 Hours With a Sick Child — How Extended Breastfeeding Saved the Day Well, I created quite a stir when I participated in the discussion “Breastfeeding in Public” in McKMama’s BlogFrog community when I mentioned that I’m still breastfeeding an almost 4-year-old. My being
Little Bear, a Cookie, and the Moon
I am NOT letting Landon watch “Little Bear” so I can quickly write this Not Me! entry. I did NOT hide a cookie from Landon so I could eat it all myself. No, not me, that would be kind of mean. I did NOT let L play with my all-important
8 Tips To Ease Preschool Separation Anxiety In Children
8 Tips to Help With Separation Anxiety in Children Landon started preschool six weeks ago, and by now he really loves it. After preparing him, and myself, extensively for his first day in preschool, he did great and didn’t even cry when I left. On the first two days I
Are Mothers Who Choose Not to Breastfeed Selfish?
Are Mothers Who Choose Not to Breastfeed Selfish? While pregnant or even before, every woman inevitably thinks about the topic of breastfeeding. Will I breastfeed my baby? For how long? I think most women have the best intentions and try to breastfeed and then stop after different periods of time.
Prepare Your Child for Preschool, Tips and Tricks
Landon is now two years and eight months old, and today was his first day in preschool! Since our neighbors moved away — and with it my wonderful babysitter — I had to enroll him in preschool to have time to do my work from home. I would have preferred