Forgetful Mommy
See this cute coloring book Landon got when we went to see the Easter Bunny? I somehow lose it. It didn’t even make it home. When I got L in the car after seeing the Easter Bunny at the Danbury Railway Museum, I must have put in on the ground
200 Pictures and Not One With the Christmas Tree
I did not take over 200 pictures at the Bleasdale Clan Christmas party, so many that my family members begged me to PUT THAT CAMERA DOWN! and forgot the most important one — the one of Don and Landon and me in front of Lisa’s huge, beautiful tree. We have
German Streusel Poppy Seed Cake — Mohnkuchen
German Streusel Poppy Seed Cake – Mohnkuchen I’m working on a post about how to make my favorite cake — German Streusel Poppy Seed cake, also known as Streuselmohnkuchen to those of you who speak German, like I do. Don’t you just love those long words? Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitaen — yes, that’s
Little Bear, a Cookie, and the Moon
I am NOT letting Landon watch “Little Bear” so I can quickly write this Not Me! entry. I did NOT hide a cookie from Landon so I could eat it all myself. No, not me, that would be kind of mean. I did NOT let L play with my all-important