Dagmar Bleasdale and Dagmar’s Home Featured in The Examiner One of our local paper, The Yorktown Examiner, and it’s online version featured me today as the “Business of the Week.” I’m thrilled and honored and want to say thank you so much to Adam Stone, the publisher, and Faith Ann
How to Make Any DVD Player Region Free
If you have DVDs from other countries or regions that are not playing on your DVD player, listen up! Last night I was in the process of finally buying a region free DVD player so that Landon would be able to watch the DVDs we have from Germany that just
Martha Stewart Bloggers’ Night Out
I was invited to attend Martha Stewart’s Bloggers’ Night Out a few days before BlogHer ’10, and since I had another invitation that night, I made the journey to New York City from Katonah. Martha Stewart also lives in Katonah — I wish she could have taken me with her
The Boy and His First Cotton Candy
My Little Sunshine Enjoying the Sunshine
The last few days have been absolutely beautiful here is Westchester, New York. The sun is shining and it’s just the right temperature to not have to break out the shorts yet — which I am dreading, like every year. After our fun trip to New York City for the