The holidays are just around the corner, and with that comes the stress of thinking of gifts for every person on your list, buying all those gifts, entertaining obligations, mountains of trash, and the clutter of more toys and things in the house after the holidays.
And yet the holidays shouldn’t be about clutter and stress, right? They are really meant to take a moment and spend more time with our family and friends.
So let’s change things this year.
We can make a conscious decision to not get sucked into the stress of the holidays, and the stress of buying things that just add to landfills later.
Do you want to live a more sustainable, stress-free life?
6 Tips to Declutter, Reuse, and Live a More Sustainable Life
1. Declutter your linen closet
Donate old towels and washcloths to an animal shelter or drop them into a clothing collection bin. [Read more…]