Easter is coming up soon! Coloring Easter eggs naturally is a lot of fun and results in beautiful, pastel colors. Have you ever tired it? I’ll also teach you how to make easy, edible alien eggs in this post. The kids will love these!
Coloring Easter Eggs Naturally
Do you wonder how to dye Easter eggs naturally and avoid those unhealthy food colors?
Spring is here, and I’m excited to decorate and get ready for Easter although it will be very different this year. There might still not be any Easter egg hunts because of the virus, many of us won’t get together with family or friends.
But we’ll make the best of it, right?
Which brings me to coloring Easter eggs…
I cringe at the sight of bright food dyes probably more than most people because I grew up in Germany without them.
You won’t find much food coloring in Germany — I think they don’t allow it in food.
Food dyes not only make food look unnaturally and unnecessarily colorful, they are plain unhealthy.
Food dyes have been linked to cancer, and hyperactivity, plus more and more kids are allergic to food colors.
I try to not buy anything with food coloring, and I was the mom who scraped off the blue frosting from the birthday cake when my son went to parties when he was little. [Read more…]