Learn how to boost your immune system naturally.
There is a lot you don’t have any control over with this new virus – which is why people get fearful – but boosting your body’s defenses is something you CAN and should do.
The one thing you don’t want to happen is for you to get sick in general — having to go to the hospital for anything right now would be bad.
As someone who is passionate about non-toxic living and a healthy lifestyle, and has blogged about it for years, I’m sharing what I stocked up on to stay healthy in this post.
It’s not face masks.
Buying face masks makes sense when you actually have the virus. Hand washing is still way more important to avoid it.
There is a lot you don’t have any control over with this virus, but boosting your body’s immune system is something you CAN do.
I keep mentioning the same products to stock up on in Facebook discussions, so I figured I better write a post with all of my recommendations to make things easier for you. [Read more…]