If You Are a Mom, You Are a Superhero
When I was invited to write about a mom who is a hero, I had a hard time thinking of just one mom to write about.
If you are a mom, you know (I hope) that you are a hero.
You are a hero to your kids. They love you no matter what, even if you mess up.
And mess up we do (you can read all about my not-so-shining-moments of being a mom in my Not Me! Monday posts), but we all know it takes a lot to be a mom.
We are personal assistants, organizers, boo-boo fixers, decision makers, cooks, chauffeurs… The list is endless.
Full-time working mom or homeschooling mom — it doesn’t matter, we all know that juggling being a mom is the hardest job we ever signed up for.
No, we aren’t perfect, but in our children’s eyes we are. We are superheros to them — let’s remember that when we feel like we are not doing our best job.
Sometimes I have glimpses of feeling like a superhero — after I gave birth naturally I certainly felt like I could conquer anything, after I succeeded with breastfeeding I felt like a superhero, and when I’m making the right decision for my son’s health (advocating for something the doctor’s don’t agree with, trusting my motherly instinct, and being rewarded with having made the right decision) I feel like I’m doing a good job.
When do you feel like a hero? Do you know a heroic mom or see one when you look in the mirror?
Mom, you are a superhero.